Leona Marie Kaufman - オンライン・メモリアル・ウェブサイト

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Leona Kaufman
出生地United States
62 years
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Carrie Cornet

11/16/07 - Today is your birthday mom, and I miss you sooo much!  you never asked us for much on your day except for us to get together and be with you, mayby take you out for  Lobster or salmon, how you loved your seafood. Char tells me that the last week before you went home to Sonya you got to have Salmon Every day! I am glad to know that,

I remember when we were up in Big Bear we would go to the Fish hatchary ever day during the salmon run and get salmon, I was amazed at the size of the fish how they just swam up the latter in to the holding tank to either be released or given out to the needey,  We would take them to our camp and make smoked salmon, barbqued salmon, baked salmon, or what ever dish you thought up, by the time the samon run was over, I was so sick of salmon I swore I would never eat another peice and you said, Carrie never say never, because when times are ruff you will eat what ever is available. I have passed that bit of wisdom to your grandsons, Michael has learned first hand how true those few words are.  I also remember you taking me to the river and showing me how the salmon made there way upstream. It was an amazing site and one I will never forget. I think I will make salmon for your birthday dinner tonight and tell my boys this story. I love you mom. Carrie

My cherished memory is talking to mom on the phone for hours. We would discuss the change of weather the dear in the back yard, the black and white chicken and of course the ducks. The white cat which just had babies. We would talk about what we planted in our yards, and what we would be doing for the next coming season. I knew my mom was bed bound and Sonya would be doing most of the plant but she would act as if she was doing the planting we would talk about it for hours..

another memory is when she was in the hospital and she would not move very much the nurses would try to get her to move with no luck, so once the nurses left , I gave her two small pepsi can of soda and  we did  arm exercises and  laughed and laughed and thought what a commercial this would make for Pepsi. She loved her Pepsi...Love you always char
Carrie Cornet

One of my treasured memories is of a Thanksgiving we all shared together in Alturas, I don't remember the year, but the memories made that day will stay with me forever. We had all finshed dinner, decided to gather around mom in her room, if you know our family you know we Love Music! So, we decided to take turns singing different songs. My mom was so proud of us, and she was so happy to have us all with her, I remember after one of the songs us girls done together she leaned over to me and said "Carrie you girls all have Beautiful Voices, I love to hear you sing" We must have sat around singing for 5 hours, until we were all hoarse from it. It was one of the best times in my life with all my family around me.

I will always remember her look of love and pride in her children.

Leona Bickerstaff
Being the youngest of five children I was always babied. My mommy did her best to give individ ual love and care to each of her children. A memory  I recall that still lights up my heart is one of those moments that she was trying her best to make me smile. I had a particully rough day at school and was sobbing over hurt feelings due to some student making fun of my report on apes. I sat down and told her what was going on. She replied "Lets see what happens to him when he evolves." I thought it was so funny that I laughed until the tears were from joy rather than hurt. I love and miss her for her uncanning ability to make me smile.
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